Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Christian?

In a CNN poll posted March 9th, 2009 it was said that 75% of Americans call themselves Christians. 

How many of those do you think are authentic?  It is my personal belief that the vast majority of

those are lying either to themselves, the poll takers, or both.  I believe that what those people think

they are being asked is Do you go to church? or Do you believe in God? or even a higher power?
Just because you go to church or believe in God does not mean you are a Christian.

"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a

 hamburger." ~Keith Green  What makes you a Christian

is being like Christ, and you cannot do that unless you are saved.  Are you saved?  If not then the

hour to change that is now, and I say that as a loving warning.  Some people may ask themselves

"How do I know I am saved?." The answer is simple ask yourself "If I were to die right now, as I am

reading this, where would I go?", and if you have even the slightest doubt of your destination get on

your knees and pray to Jesus.  The Lord has loved you from the very second you were conceived, if

not sooner, and every second you spend dead in sin, is a second you could have spent alive in Christ. 

God loves all his children and does not want a single one of them in hell.  Maybe you have had a

breakdown moment or two or three, but what does that matter if you walked away unchanged? 

Paul said in Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,

who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit."  If you really loved Christ you would give up your

your life for him.  This does not mean that you need to die tied to a stake.  What it means is that you

spend your time with him. Not in the pews on a Sunday but in your Heart.  If you do not get on the

cross like Jesus told you, you are not worthy of him Matthew 10:38. Drink of the living water

Jesus Christ and you will not thirst John 4:10-12. 

                                                       Are you a Christian or not???...


  1. So true. And, I have to admit, I was kinda one of those Christians for a while. I mean, I had no doubt that God existed, or that he sent his Son to die for me, but I also felt like He didn't care about me, so why should I care about him? I love the way you started with a statistic and went for it :)

  2. You forgot to mention something: You have to be willing to sacrifice every last part of you to live a Godly life. Sacrifice is a sure sign of love and God has sacrificed everything for us, even His Son. We need to be willing to sacrifice the ungodly parts of our lives and fill them with God instead.
    But I still 100% agree with you, there are too many "Christians" out there who just say they are because they want to fit in or now that there's a God or go to church. But if going to church makes you a Christian, then standing in a garage makes you a car.
    It's not a religion, it's a relationship ;)
